Attention Ladies: You've told me that you want to look good naked and feel confident in your body. You've told me that you want to stop the self-loathing. And you've told me that you want to stop bingeing at night to suppress your emotions.

Finally… Here’s The Perfect Solution! If You Want to ROCK That Little Black Dress In The Next 42 Days Without Having To Resort To Hours Of Boring Cardio And Depriving Yourself Of Real Food


Do You Have A Little Black Dress...

... that sits in the back of your closet? You may not even have it in your closet yet but you see it every time you go shopping for clothes, or it catches your attention while you scroll social media. You know exactly what black dress that I’m talking about; the one that you would wear to a cocktail party or a night out with friends. (Can you still remember when we used to do those things???)

You tell yourself that you’ll wear it out… once you have a place to go to and (gulp), truth be told, maybe when you feel like you’ve lost a bit of the extra winter insulation or the weight you've gained during the pandemic. But change is hard, and even though you want to have the confidence to love yourself right now, you don't know where to start.

Maybe you've gotten some motivation and you try go to the gym swearing that you’ll drop a few pounds. You then begin to eat like a rabbit, living on only salads, yogurt and a few of those 100 calorie snack packs; but after a week or two and the scale not budging you say, "to hell with it" and end up going on a bender that leaves you in a carb coma waking up with a food hangover.

Frustrating? You bet! And I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault.

Most women struggle with dropping a few sizes without feeling so deprived and frustrated, wondering if they are doing the right thing because there is so much conflicting information out there.

If you can relate to that problem, I have the solution for you.

Your Highest Self’s Little Black Dress Project

At Your Highest Self Coaching, I help women heal their emotional relationship with food so that they can achieve permanent weight loss without restrictive dieting.

I especially have a little soft spot for those that want to fit into that cocktail dress without feeling so overworked and deprived; hence why I developed this program.

Imagine what it would be like to see results each week, to feel stronger and leaner as your ‘big’ clothes don’t even fit as they slide off your hips and your friends always asking you...

"You look amazing! What have you been doing?"

Think of how good it will feel to not only be able to fit into that little black dress, but to also feel confident in your body wearing it. Think of how good it will feel to LOVE YOURSELF enough to take care of your body, mind and soul.

With the Little Black Dress Project you'll feel healthier, fitter, and more at peace with food than you have in years, or even ever! You'll learn how to enjoy that glass of wine without feeling guilty. You will not have to constantly suck in and you can sit down without doing the dreaded shirt pull from your body.

Plus, it won't have to stop there! You'll finally have the motivation and momentum to keep moving forward to other goals that have been lurking in the back of your mind. Once you find peace with food, it's amazing what else you will then be able to accomplish.

Why shouldn't you be able to feel as amazing as all those other women around you? Don't you deserve to live as "Your Highest Self"?

Real Benefits

  • Knowledge around how to fuel your body with food that serves you without feeling deprived. You will learn how to eat so that your emotions don't control the decisions that used to derail you.
  • Excitement of doing things you never thought you could do. As you find peace around food and your body and mind feel strong and clear, you will have the energy to tackle new goals that used to feel out of reach.
  • Real results each week, whether it's your pants getting looser or exercise feeling easier, or a multitude of other non-scale victories at your fingertips.
  • Support every step of the way! Despite Covid-19 this will not feel like a lonely journey. You’ll receive daily e-mail motivation and you will also have access to your coach with e-mail support.
  • Motivation that keeps you grounded and not falling off the wagon even after those long days with an angry boss, traffic jams and kids.

Testimonials by Your Highest Self Coaching Clients

We have the ability to succeed in our health journey with a little determination, a little willpower and a lot of accountability and support. Laura has given me the accountability I needed when setting my goals. -Sherry

Laura’s coaching has helped me to simplify my life. With this profound change has come improved sleep, increased happiness, and the ability to declutter all those things that weren’t serving me. I even ditched sugar from my diet! -Sarah

Working with Laura I have learned that I don’t always have to give and never receive. Now I am more cognizant of relationships that drain my energy, and I’ve started to focus on doing things that make me happy. Day by day, I am reclaiming my health through nourishment of my body, mind and spirit! -Cathi

Thanks so much for opening up my mind, body and soul. You have changed the way I look at life. I’m in a spot in my life that I want to learn to grow to love myself so I can love everyone and everything around me. You have made this possible for me. -Amy

Thank you Laura for all of your great advice. I have lost 57 pounds. You have changed my way of life and what I eat and do. I am forever grateful. -Debra

I wake up looking forward to life! Sometimes I want to stay awake all night - just to feel the happiness. I ‘m afraid I might wake up to find it is all a dream. There is a new, happier MJ. One that feels the freedom of sixteen with the maturity of 60+. -MJ

What's Included?

Specialized Mindset Coaching

In the 42 days of this program you will work on changing your relationship with food. You will become more aware of how your thoughts and feelings impact the actions you take around your food, and you will become empowered to stop turning to food for comfort. Video training included in the program will help shift your mindset around loving your body and give you the courage to feel confident in your own skin.

Nutrition for YOUR Body

Yes, this is one of the MAJOR components of this program. The food you eat is critical to your success, and I am going to make sure you follow science proven systems that will still have you eating real food. In fact, by the end of our journey you will have developed a way of eating that works for you, and you will know how to continue to eat in a way that serves you long after the program is complete.

Tracking and accountability

This is a self-study program. It starts as soon as you sign up and runs for 6 weeks. You get lifetime access to the content. Being honest here, this program requires your commitment for you to get from where you are to where you want to be; so some homework is involved, but I have you covered there. I will instruct you on meal prep, and will even offer you some work-out options if you really want to go all-in on your Little Black Dress Transformation.

I am holding you to a high standard of commitment during this program, because I truly believe that getting started is the hardest part, and having a coach to be accountable to makes all the difference. My entire focus is on getting you results. That’s why I do the most consistent and extensive progress tracking with my clients. That way, we always know what’s working and what’s not.

What is your commitment?

Recipe Manual + Grocery List

Eating better doesn't have to entail tilapia (seriously, gross), brown rice, veggies, and lemon water. That's why I includes some of my favorite recipes and they cover more than just chicken salads. I have REAL food that won't leave you feeling deprived. Even after the program is over you'll still want to continue to make these on a daily basis.

Daily Motivation

No one ever said this was going to be easy. Even with access to a coach there are going to be some days that will test your willpower; we all have them. What we do to help out is send you some of most motivational quotes, stories and emails to just remind you why you started and to not give up. I also teach you why willpower is not the tool that will bring you long-term success. More about that later!

Success Manual

Don't you ever wish that you had a book to tell you everything that you wanted to know about what you are going though, why it happened, and what you can expect to happen over the course of your weight loss journey? You did think of that!? Well, what a coincidence that I happen to have that EXACT manual just for you. Let's just say "You're welcome!" right now.

Private Facebook Group

You have Facebook. right? I will add you to a private group just for those that are doing the program so that you can ask those questions that just popped up in your mind and not only get answers from your coach, but answers from others that are doing the program as well. This alone will give you ideas that you never thought about and help keep you on your game throughout this program.

Little Black Dress Project - $199 USD


Laura Heath B.Sc.Phm RPh

  • Certified Health Coach
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified Whole30 Coach
  • Certification in the Psychology of Emotional Eating
  • Certification in Gut Health
  • Winner of Leadership in Health Coaching Award

Meet your coach!

Little Black Dress Project - $199 USD


Now, I have no interest in trying to twist your arm into joining. The fact of the matter is that I have a limited number of spots and I only want to work with women who truly WANT to do the work, rock out a little black dress, and be the best version of themselves. That’s it. We have fantastic committed members here and once all the spaces are gone, they’re gone.

I'm very much looking forward to coaching you, helping you rock out that little black dress and getting you on the path of becoming YOUR HIGHEST SELF!

Laura Heath

P.S. To take your first steps and start the Little Black Dress Project, you just have to click on the "Sign Up Here" button while the page is still active and this is fresh on your mind.

P.P.S. Every day that goes by is another day that you're missing out on becoming your best self and letting that dress just sit in the back of your closet.. Waiting till tomorrow never gets anyone results. How many more times are you going to say, "I'll wait till next week/month/when kids go back to school/when the holidays are over..." ? There will ALWAYS be something, so TAKE ACTION NOW.

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